Friday, May 29, 2015

New Yorker Cartoons on Our Tech Lives Today: A New Roundup

Time to pause for some good old-fashioned tech humor from the brilliant cartoonists at The New Yorker magazine. These fine artists can poke fun at our latest tech obsessions like no one else. Here are a few of my own favorite New Yorker cartoons from the last couple of years—some about children, some about the rest of us, all about life in today's digital world.

By cartoonist Paul Noth, from the November 11, 2013 issue:

(Caption: "And then Winnie the Pooh decided that it was time to check Daddy's email again.")

From the January 20, 2014 issue, by William Haefeli:

(Caption: "I want to make my mark on the world—and have it disappear in ten seconds.")

People will text and drive anywhere. By Drew Panckeri in the April 27, 2015 issue:

Selfie stick! By Will McPhail from April 13, 2015:

(Caption: "O.K., someone, anyone, press the button.")

By Kaamran Hafeez in the May 25, 2015 issue:

(Caption: "You can't list your iPhone as your primary-care physician.")

Kids today, by Bruce Eric Kaplan, from August 4, 2014:

(Caption: "I thought I'd be a successful fashion blogger by now.")

Parents today, by Joe Dator, from August 5, 2013:

(Caption: "My wife is recording everything the kids do until they leave for college. Then I'll binge-watch them grow up.")

By Christopher Weyant, the "Daily Cartoon" on the day the Apple Watch launched:

(Caption: "It's half the size of an iPhone but twice as obnoxious.")

By Shannon Wheeler from August 5, 2013:

(Caption: "Stop fact-checking my story.")

By Benjamin Schwartz, from February 3, 2014:

(Caption: "Come on, men! This is for our kids to live in a free world! And for our grandkids to grow up in a world where they can spend hours a day looking at cats on some sort of fantastic information machine!")

Also by Benjamin Schwartz, from the June 1, 2015 issue:

(Caption: "They're powered by Internet outrage.")

Philosophy, by Bruce Eric Kaplan from September 23, 2013:

(Caption: "If you retweet it and you have '0' followers, was it retweeted?")

By Joe Dator, from January 26 this year:

(Caption: "The National Weather Service is warning these areas to brace for what could be a crippling amount of Instagrammed snow photos.")

Priorities, people. By Drew Dernavich, also from January 26, 2015:

(Caption: "This counts as one wish, by the way.")

Pure genius, from J.C. Duffy in the February 2, 2015 issue:

(Caption: "LinkedIn has finally paid off—it got me two new followers on Twitter.")

Another "Daily Cartoon," from June 30, 2014 by Farley Katz:

(Caption: "Soon the world shall tremble before Web Commenter Man.")

Also by Farley Katz, from the August 25, 2014 issue:

(Caption: "Can we please go back to playing on our phones?)

From March 16, 2015, a kid who's had enough, by Edward Koren:

(Caption: "Please—no technology questions!")

More than 20 years ago, for the July 5, 1993 issue, Paul Steiner penned this famous cartoon...

(Caption: "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.")

... and in the February 23 issue this year, Kaamran Hafeez paid homage to Steiner's classic with this update:

(Caption: "Remember when, on the Internet, nobody knew who you were?")

The "Daily Cartoon" by Emily Flake on February 16, 2015:

(Caption: "Here—go make daddy's Fitbit think he's exercising.")

Yikes. From Liam Walsh in the June 9, 2014 issue:

(Caption: "He looks so natural.")

And lastly, this brilliant commentary from Barbara Smaller, from September 9, 2013:

(Caption: "Go out and play? What is this, 1962?")

(Want even more New Yorker tech cartoons? You can find some here.)

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